Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Seasons greetings everybody!!
May you all enjoy a happy and safe festive season and new year.
Oh but dont get too drunk - you dont really get more interesting.

Love, Jo xxxxxxxxx


Blogger Heather Anders said...

Perhaps not more interesting, but definately more amusing. (hmmm black cab anyone?)

Hope you had a merry xmas and see in the new year with a healthy few virgin marys (actually the BEST pregnanct drink in my book).

I have decided to give you a few pearls of wisdom for xmas:

- when shopping for maternity clotes, buy them in the knowledge that you will probably be wearing htem for a month or two (At least) post birth. THerefore items with easy boob access (ie. buttons down the front) are worth their weight in gold.

- when buying baby clothes (for a winter baby) just go with white for the day-to-day-wear - ie the standard vests and all-in-ones. You will be putting a load of washing on almost every day - and as yout muslin squares, towels and sheets are likley to be white - it saves having to do multiple loads. Plus - becuase they get so frigging grubby- you will need to wash them at at least 60 degrees and other bright colours will begin to fade at these temperatures. Get colourful on other outerwear items - like jackets, cardigans hats etc.

-stock up on muslin squares, they are also worth their weight in gold. especially if your baby is like Fred and decided to vomit pretty regularly.

Look after yourself, we are thinking of you and give our love to Matt
xxx Heather, Dave and Fred

9:55 am  

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