Saturday, December 27, 2008

Spring 2008

The winter rain had brought our garden back to life, and we returned to find it full of winter bulbs and in spring every week brought new surprises in the shape and colour of spring annuals and more bulbs….. and weeds, and more weeds.., and more.

Yep, spring for me meant filling the green bin each fortnight with barrow loads of the stuff, and recovering on the couch for about 3 hours after each session. But it was a labour of love, so pretty do we find our back yard. Matt has been providing food for the home from the potager, with highlights being delicious rocket (which I will never again buy from the supermarket, so unrecognisable as it is from the home grown variety) and we eagerly await our first crop of home grown tomatoes – surely one of the best things to grow in any back yard.

Mum and Dad went on tour to the centre of the civilised world (Iran) in October, so we took the opportunity to move in for 3 weeks while our musty bathroom was gutted and remade from below the ground up. Now we were actually quite partial to that 1950’s avocado green pedestal basin and bath – but for a loo within 3 closed doors of our bed and a window (in the roof - but we can still hear birds through it) – I’m sad to say they had to go. We tried to give a nod to the 1950’s origins of our house as we did it though.

Going into full bloom

The Potager


is replaced with new


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